So another thing in the news bothered me today. In Massachusetts we allow gay marriage- it's been in place now for a couple of years and despite the ominous warnings, it has had little impact on my life. I have't heard about anyone marrying their sister or their dog so the slope must not have been as slippery as people suggested. So far so good, I'm happy, you're happy - but wait - there is a movement to have the issue of gay marriage go to a statewide vote. And on the last day of the legislature, they passed a vote to put it on the ballot.
From what I hear it was something that Gov Mitt Romney wanted passed to help him with his White House ambitions. But I think it's mean spirited to vote to take rights away from people. Gay couples want to keep the right to have their committed, loving relationships recognized, and we think it's a priority to take that away from them? Don't we have more important battles folks - like homelessness, bad schools, high taxes, drugs, gun violence, etc.
The measure now needs to be approved by the new legislative session. Note to our new Mass legislators - Just drop it and let people live their lives the best way they know how. If you want to champion the will of the people and the importance of voter ballot initiatives, how about giving us that income tax repeal we approved instead. It would be more beneficial than picking on families.