so i'm all happy about my new blog. it's like a shiny new toy and i've been giving a lot of attention. I like having an outlet. It beats the hell out of scrapbooking, I bought mountains of that crap and its just sitting there waiting for me to make time for it.
Well apparently, not all are happy around here with the new blog queen. Mike is kinda upset - he's like are you putting that stuff on the internet? (yes)
What if people figure out who we are (so what?)
I don't want my personal stuff out there. (sorry)
Don't write about my family. (sorry again).
Why can't you talk to me. (because you want to fix everything. Sometimes it ain't broke, it just wants to make noise)
Casey thinks it funny and likes to read the bad words (mostly quoted from him in the first place) He has reading assignments at school and wants to know if this counts. (nope).