Friday, December 29, 2006
let me clarify a few things...
For the record, I am suffering from Narcolepsy, not Necrophilia as my 7 year old son just blurted out. Where does a child hear of such a thing, you may ask? That's a real good question - one that I asked him myself, and the answer is...Dodgeball. The movie. He also learned the words dyke and hooker from that old chestnut. People, don't let Patches O'Houlihan raise your kids, OK.
I feel like I have blogarrhea. Apparently this portmanteau is a real word in the blogging world. I thought I was being clever, but then I googled it. It means lots of meaningless ranting posts in a blog. Yup, that's what i feel like. Just started yesterday and posted 5 times already. Either I have a lot to say or too much free time on my hands. As they say, time will tell.