ok i found the friggin thing. Its not even that good so what was i whining about. but here goes.
i'm a blog virgin. it's been a long time since i was a virgin at anything. so i guess i'll fumble through and figure this out. You see, i just turned 40 this month. No big deal i thought, just another day/month/year. So now i'm forty and i'm shocked because it a BIG number. i thought i'd be grown up and all mature by the time i hit forty, but i still feel the same way i've always felt. which is not quite settled. OK on the outside, life's a party, isn't she funny, such a pretty face, wow did she blow up, constant heartburn on the inside.
now that i'm forty i need to make changes in my life. I want to feel happy, not just appear to be. so i thought this blog thing would be a good start. i need someone to talk to and someone to listen besides the dog.