Friday, December 29, 2006

whats on my tivo

I think what's on your tivo tells a lot about you. Interestingly, I have no reality TV on my tivo, although I know I am an addict.

Lost Worlds - from the History Channel - I have about 7 episodes left that I have not gotten to yet. Crusades, egypt, ancient rome etc. Good stuff.

Oprah - I record the show daily and fast forward through them on the weekend watching the ones I want and deleting the nonsense. I've got to keep current on the Oprah stuff so I can relate to my stay at home mom friends and book club. Nate's a cutie.

Friday Night Lights - for my son. He's a football freak having finished his first year of mighty mites this year. The star quarterback becoming a quadriplegic in the first episode was a real bummer but we've stuck with it.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. I really miss the West Wing, so this helps.

Ugly Betty - for me. Nice to think that looks don't matter. When does Betty get to be a swan. And Salma Hayek - if i was traded to the other team, I could go for her. In one movie I saw her dancing in some mexican cantina and she made this guy lick tequila from her toes and I nearly wet myself.

Grey's Anatomy - also for me. I'm a McSteamy girl. I can't get past the Patrick Dempsey i remember from that movie "can't buy me love" where he had to pay the popular girl to pretend to be his girlfriend. How do you go from that guy to accepting him as McDreamy? It's like as if suddenly Screech was a sex symbol. I like the bad boys, ergo, McSteamy for me.

My son's local cable access appearances: in a Christmas concert (he had a solo) and Pop Warner games. I don't have a DVD burner to save it to a DVD. So i hope it never gets erased.